境内正面。 ちょっと雑草が目立つけど、佳い感じの神社。
In front of the shrine yard. There are overgrown with weeds but the shrine looks nice.

The main shrine behind the fence called Tamagaki.

The main shrine. It is very compact but they were conscientious in their work.

本殿彫刻。 麒麟かな?
Statues of the main shrine. Maybe Kirin ?

鳥居の外から神域を見る。 かなり広い広場。普段は病院職員の駐車場になっている。
Looking at the sacred area from the outside of the Torii gate. A wide space. Usually they use this place as parking space for workers of the Nishiwaki Hospital.

神社側から鳥居を見る。 緑が豊かな風景。 土手の向こうは加古川。
Looking at the Torii gate from the shrine. Fresh greenery. The Kakogawa River is flowing behind the bank.

After leaving the shrine I looked into an alley.
A house with a characteristic roof is a texitile factory.

Back alley in Shimotoda. A house with black wooden walls must have been a texitile factory or something. Now it is used as a garage or shed.

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