The Sasayama Castle was detroyed by the law in the Meiji Era. They left only the Ohshoin that was lost in a fire after that.
二の丸御庭園から 土塁と外堀。
From the Ni-no-maru garden you can see the earth wall and the moat.

青山神社。 初代城主を祀っているらしい。
The shrine.

The ruin of the main building. It was very calm and you can only hear the birds.

The ruin of the keep.

The Ni-no-maru. There is nothing now but on the face of the ground they put plates written the names of buildings of the catle.

The stonewall

埋門 戦の時に埋めて敵の侵入を防ぐ。
The gate "Uzumi-mon". At the battle they would burry this gate to shut out the enemy.

There are many marks on the stones of the wall, which are thought that the workers left when they built the castle.

I like your photos.いつか散策してみたいですね。お薦めコースがあれば、よろしく。-mika