After my visiting to the Takakura shrine I dropped into the Buddhist temple Ganryu-ji. I had to walk up to along the narrow slope to the gate.

A small tree is growing on the stonewall. The sun was shinning at the leaves.

The Ganryuu temple.
The roof is thatched. Ganryu means the rock and the waterfall.

Going up the road in the woods from the Ganryu temple you can see the waterfall.
The waterfall "Dokko" ( the whole ).

The waterfall "Dokko" ( the middle of the fall ) and a stone statue of Fudo-myoou ( a god ) at the clif.

The waterfall "Dokko". ( the upper part )

A small tree is growing on the stonewall. The sun was shinning at the leaves.

The Ganryuu temple.
The roof is thatched. Ganryu means the rock and the waterfall.

Going up the road in the woods from the Ganryu temple you can see the waterfall.
The waterfall "Dokko" ( the whole ).

The waterfall "Dokko" ( the middle of the fall ) and a stone statue of Fudo-myoou ( a god ) at the clif.

The waterfall "Dokko". ( the upper part )

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